Monday, November 3, 2008

The Jerkiest Letter in the World

Dear You,

Do you know what solipsism means? It’s ok, look it up. We’ll wait.

Oh, hey! You’re back. What took so long, dummy? We were talking about you while you were gone.

If your wikipedia search (snicker) was successful you are probably very confused by the whole thing. Nevermind. People smarter than you all agree that solipsism is a preoccupation with one’s own feelings, desires, and perspectives. You might think that solipsism would be a good trait to possess. However, as usual, you’d be wrong.

“What’s so wrong with being concerned with my feelings?” you might ask in a whiny voice. Well, nothing in principle. However, because you are a selfish, deluded human being that has hornswoggled yourself into thinking you aren’t miserable and that you don’t hate yourself, your solipsism is a problem. Don’t take my word for it. Many scholarly texts say as much*.

So now you’re thinking, “Whatever. I may be solipsistic, but I’m not selfish. It’s healthy to believe that my way of thinking is OK and that I’m a good person.”

Riiiight. And let me guess, you want to continue living your life this way. And you want to teach your children the same values. And you’re thinking this is the one sure path to self-actualization sans narcissism (a combination so rare you might not know it existed if not for me).

Once again, wrong as raising a baby out of wedlock.

You’re just another Raskolnikov who thought you were special, that the world owes you something. Simply another self-absorbed also-ran with an over-reliance on your own way of seeing and too few hyphens, bashing in old ladies’ heads with a hammer for no good reason. Way to go.

Who’s Raskolnikov? Oh that’s right, my bad; you read the web not books.


*The Problem of Self Over Time suggests that as society has become industrialized, an individual’s energy and resources have become freed from the basic needs of physical survival, allowing us to be concerned with “personal fulfillment” and related nonsense. The problem is that emotional and psychological needs are much harder met than physical needs. This, then, inevitably leads to you dating and eventually marrying that girl you started hooking up with who you didn’t initially want to start dating, but who you continued having sex with until someone better came along, but no one did.

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