Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ill Doctrine

Thanks to Ill Doctrine for spelling it out for us old folks. As an adult (cringe) I have never been more removed from hip hop. On paper that makes no sense because I grew up in Kansas and now live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn (as in Jay Z, Biggie, Lil Kim, et al). The truth is, despite NYC's diversity the city is fairly segregated culturally. Too many niches, too little time. For better or worse I'm pretty steeped in indie culture these days as are most white media professionals who are still poor. Topeka, KS on the other hand is not very big or culturally diverse. As a consequence I interacted with black folks (and therefore hip hop music, slang, dress, etc.) on a regular basis as did many of my white friends, many of whom themselves listened exclusively to hip hop and/or borrowed a hip hop persona from time to time. For this Topeka is often referred to as ghetto, but that's beside the point. The point is that a white person growing up in Topeka has more opportunity to be a part of the hip hop community than the average white person in NYC.

Thank goodness Hip Hop and Indie crossover once in a while so that I can nod in agreement as Ill Doctrine drops science on subjects I'm already aware of...

...such as...

So the Indie/Hip Hop crossover is in full effect. A fine example is Ninjasonik who kind of do a experimental/punk/rap mish mash.

Ninjasonik are a strong voice for the Tight Pants Nigga movement, which really isn't a movement at all though obviously has something to do with black dudes who embrace indie fashion tropes like tight pants.

Ninjasonik - Tight Pants

more evidence of what I'm talking about:

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