Monday, April 27, 2009

Bright Lights, Big City you are quite a guy. Thanks for the INTV with Jay McInerney.

I recently finished Bright Lights, Big City. Jay will be glad to know it worked. I had to consider the story and its characters in relation to my life. As someone who chose NYC as the place to achieve my definition of status, I look at where I am and what I have and wonder what it's supposed to add up to. Toward what purpose am I angling to exploit the opportunities that NYC is meant to represent? Would I be better off chilling in Kansas, glorifying the family name by shepherding my genetic material into Little League and tending the tomato garden with my mother on weekends? Is all this New Yorky competitive striving just a narcissistic gang bang starring me as the aspirant record breaker, lubricating the proceedings with a steady flow of nightlife and brunches to smooth out all that annoying humping? "This is my New York Dream!!!"

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