Makes me think of Die Hard when John McClane says to Deputy Police Chief Dwayne Johnson, "I'm not the one who just got butt fucked on national television, Dwayne". Meanwhile Argyle is in the limo listening on the CB laughing it up.
By the way, and are emphasizing video more than ever. Their recent redesigns put links to video and big players front and center. Click on a headline story and you often have a video accompanied by the written story below. Makes tons of sense because both CNN and ESPN were in the TV business before they peddled words in the online game. And in many cases the web content is more substantive than what might make it to a TV newscast. On TV, you'd only get a fraction of these highlights of Obama at the GOP retreat. Especially good is the last clip. Tell 'em where you came from, O! Tell 'em what time it is!
And bone to pick with ESPN...Sportscenter has become all former athletes talking analysis and meaningless predictions when I'd rather be seeing highlight reels. Alas, that is what the web is for!
I prayed and prayed, and DIME TV is what I got. Highlights from all the nights games followed by the best dunks of the night. Tastes great, less filling.
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