Friday, January 9, 2009

No Wonder the British think Americans are Shitty

How can you blame them when the BBC is making great, watchable documentaries focusing on shitty Americans.

The Phelps family is well known in Topeka. Everyone has seen them picketing. Everyone is embarrassed by them. I almost wish people would stop giving them media attention (yes even you, Tyra) but fuck if it isn't fascinating car wreck quality Americana.

Clearly the saddest aspect of The Phelps agenda is the effect on the kids. It's true, they are shunned and ostracized. This fact basically ensures that their inculcation is complete. If your last name is Phelps and you live in Topeka, people will be leery of you until they know for sure you aren't related to the Westboro Baptist Phelps family. Anyway, happy Friday.

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