Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mind Burning

Age Old Question: Is MTV's current programming a response to consumer demand or are the tastes and interests of viewers guided by the content itself?

In other words, do youths just watch whatever you tell 'em to?

I don't know anyone who watches Current TV - online or on the couch - but they are sort of doing what MTV used to do with this youth-driven socially/politically conscious documentary show Vanguard.

Anyway, the idea of Cuba undergoing a second revolution sounds zany. But if something like that were to happen, I suppose it would have to some extent be the result of Cuba's proximity to America and the contaminant vapor of air-borne gray matter pouring from the smoke stacks of our mind burning media and entertainment industry.

1 comment:

EPF said...

In the first part of your thought you outlined Horkheimer and Adorno's thesis: the culture industry. Get involved here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_industry