Tuesday, August 11, 2009


those jerks The Gay Blades released a concert DVD featuring a live set filmed at Asbury Lanes in Jersey...
TGB - Why Winter In Detroit

...the DVD also includes selections from their growing video catalog including this behind the scenes featurette we made for O Shot. Fun.

TGB BTS: The Making Of O Shot from Sam Winter on Vimeo.

I might as well provide my liner notes about the manhole...basically all the manhole covers in NYC are sealed and impossible to lift without special equipment. I didn't know this until I started tugging on them to see if we could actually pull off this manhole shot. Then one day, as I was leaving work in an industrial part of Long Island City, I checked a few nearby manholes and found an older, smaller manhole cover that I could lift off by myself. Inside was caked in soot and grime, apparently from years of disuse. Perfect! When it came time to shoot, we were cleaning the native manhole ladder with a broom and the steps just disintegrated into tetanus dust. We lowered a step ladder into the manhole so Clark and Puppy could climb out. At the other end of the street I was intermittently slowing traffic with the makeup artist's Mitsubishi, pretending to be an idiot who doesn't know how to park. Dozens of cars passed by that manhole while we got the shot, but no one seemed to mind what we were doing. Zero police involvement, zero tetanus. Success!

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