Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chromeo Fights HAAA

Dig this promo I did with Chromeo for Playboy's Rock The Rabbit

The concept for HAAA came from the vestigial psychology learnin' I have leftover from college. I'm not sure if the technically correct terminology would be Hyper Auditory Aesthetic Aphasia (because the aphasia is so pronounced) or Hypo Auditory Aesthetic Aphasia (because the ability to discern quality music is deficient). Either way, it sounds official and I hope the concpet of HAAA catches on in a meaningful way. It can be used in conversation thusly:

Dave: Why are we listening to this crappy music?
P: Don't you know? Diane has HAAA.
Dave: That explains it.

The vid is also available at Playboy's ROCK THE RABBIT where you'll also find silly awesome T-Shirts for sale designed by Chromeo...all proceeds going to charity. Other RTR artists hocking T-shirts for charity include Pharell, Q-Tip, MGMT, The Gay Blades, Jay Reatard, The Morning Benders, and more and more.

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