Sunday, March 1, 2009

Old NBA Draft Footate Found On Youtube Teaches Lessons About Human Nature In The Information Age

It's ok if you don't give a hoot about NBA basketball, you should still watch this vid for a minute or so. There is a significant (if not fairly obvious) lesson to be learned. People like surprises.

Listen to the reactions of the crowd, harumphing like a 19th Century Congress, riveted by the surprising news of a trade. BUT nowadays at the NBA Draft, all the trades are reported and confirmed by ESPN then broadcast to the entire stadium full of draft fans and team execs before the official announcement is even made. It ruins the moment. It's not as fun. You want the action first, the reaction second. Reporting the trade before it happens violates the time tested formula laid out in Newton's Second Law of Motion. So this leads to a logic leaping lesson about the Scary Revolutionary Internet: sometimes access to information has a negative impact on quality of life.

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